Yes, Time Travel is Real

You don’t need a time machine to travel back in time. You really don’t. I know this because I did it a few days ago. While staying with my mom for the holidays, I happened to open a long-forgotten drawer in a chest in the room where I was sleeping. As I pulled it out,…

Giving that’s Twice as Nice

In terms of giving, it’s true that grand, elaborate gestures can take your breath away. But, sometimes a small act of kindness can too – especially when it connects you with people you love. When I was a child, my mother made pumpkin bread for what seemed like the entire neighborhood every holiday. I remember…

United We Are Strong

The image featured in this post is a poster from 1943 – a time when the world faced a dark, unavoidable threat. In response, people made sacrifices: Some fought on the front lines. Others worked in factories, conserved at home, planted victory gardens… And, collectively, they rose up in ways that changed their lives –…

We’re Together While We’re Apart

I admit it. I’m taking a (brief) break from the news right now. I’m not pretending the world is all butterflies and rainbows. Seeing how many thousands are sick – including a few people I know – is a harsh and frightening reality. But, giving yourself a mental break every so often doesn’t mean you…

You’re Not Alone at Home

Sheltering in place may feel strange, but we know it’s safe and smart right now. It’s my second weekend of it here in Texas, and I’m noticing a personal trend: I’m connecting more with friends than I have in a long, long time.  Does this sound familiar? I’m enjoying updates from friends and family via…

Remember This Right Now…

This is a moment in history we will never forget. The world around us is full of unknowns. The news surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic is grim. It has many of us asking ourselves, when is this going to get better? And, unfortunately, no one can tell us for sure when that will be. I’m not…

Four Tips for Spring Cleaning Your Personal Tech

Spring will be here, officially, in just over a week. It inspires people into annual rituals that give their homes a fresh face for the warmer months. And, it has me thinking about another mainstay of our everyday lives: the devices we all use every day: laptops, tablets, smartphones… Back in February, I asked my…

Is Something Bothering You?

It’s National Brotherhood/Sisterhood Week, a week dedicated to celebrating our differences. According to the National Day Calendar, it was founded by Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1934 with the aim of encouraging people of all faiths to meet, discuss differences and affirm the brotherhood/sisterhood that crosses religious belief systems. Because we are a nation founded on…